Stationary Systems of Energy Production
The Institute is also active for the study of the fuel-cell applications within the frame of stationary production related to electric power generation and thermal energy.
The research activities of the Istituto Motori in this sector have been recently focused on systems based on micro-turbines, with the aim to study the use of gaseous and liquid synfuels and biofuels for distributed energy generation in the frame of national and European smart grid structure of the electrical network. To this end, lab experimental plants are used to analyse systematically the combustion properties of synthetic and biofuels under typical micro-turbines conditions. A 100 kWe microturbine, suitably modified, allows combustion and control strategies to be studied and set up for the optimization of the entire energy cycle. Of particular interest is the study of the combustion stability, energy yields and emissions, according to the fuel properties and charging conditions. New combustion technologies and control techniques are also under study to permit the efficient and reliable utilization of new alternative fuels in microturbines.