National Research Council
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The National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Marine Engineering, organizes, as part of the Project TRIM – Technology and Industrial Research for Marine Mobility (CTN01_00176_163601), the “Education and training program for research and development experts in marine and maritime industries”. Thirty (30) attendees will be selected, based on qualifications and interview. The twenty-one (21) top ranked
Read MoreINNOVARE – Innovative plants for distributed poly-generation by residual biomass ♦ Financed by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Direzione Generale per gli Incentivi alle Imprese, FONDO PER LA CRESCITA SOSTENIBILE, Horizon 2020 – PON Imprese e Competitività 2014-2020. Project accepted for financing under Decree n. 4700 del 20/11/2017. ♦ Project details: By proposing innovative plant configurations for converting biomass
Read MorePROMETEO – Production of electricity, heat and cooling with a micro-cogenerator powered by residual biomass. ♦ Contract for research activity financed by Costruzioni Motori Diesel S.p.A. within the project PROMETEO, D.M. Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico 1.6.2016 Grandi Progetti R&S – PON IC 2014/2020. ♦ Project details: In recent years, energy issues have in fact assumed
Read MorePANACEA – Polygeneration fueled with biomass from waste In urban wastewater treatment plants. ♦ Finances by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico Nazionale, Bando 2014. ♦ Project details: The purification of urban waste water has become a growing problem both in relation to the need to build new plants and adapt existing ones to
Read MoreEngine Technology: toward “Near Zero Emissions” c.i. engines Based on its better thermodynamic efficiency with respect to the spark-ignition (SI) engine, the compression ignition engine will be the most attractive powered solution for different classes of vehicles. The key-word for the development of the future CI engines is “flexibility”, in terms of performance, operating mode,
Read MoreThe antithetical goals of reducing fuel consumption and emission levels, improving torque and power is currently achieved through the so-called downsizing, consisting in engine displacement reduction connected to a higher compression ratio. This approach allows to reach a better global efficiency, thanks to supercharging with variable geometry turbine (VGT). Knock is controlled by means of
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Read MoreElectrochemical and spectroscopic techniques are used for fuel cell performance and reliability investigation. The balance of plant (BoP) components integration and management are analyzed for small size systems (4-20 kW). H2 storage and CO2 capture processes are investigated by adsorption on solid materials. Efficiency curves of a 2,4 kW PEM Stack and overall Fuel Cell
Read MoreAssessing properties of biogas and syngas as biomass-derived alternative fuels, as a function of composition and operating conditions. The activity is aimed at suggesting guidelines (design specifications and operating strategies) for the development of high-efficiency, ultra low-emission combined heat and power (CHP) systems. Flame propagation for methane, syngas and biogas (P0=6 bar, Φ =1.0) ]
Read MoreThe nucleation and growth of antropogenic aerosols are investigated by monitoring the cluster formation from molecular to nanometric dimensions by using mass spectrometry/molecular beam methods. Recent significant findings suggest that carboxylic acid may play a significant role as a pre-nucleation embryos in the formation of aerosols in wet environments (ChemPhysChem 2015, 16, 3021 – 3029).
Read MoreActivities in Vibroacoustics include numerical simulations through techniques as FEM, BEM, SEA, and multibody simulation of vehicle and subsystems aimed at the optimization of the acoustic and vibration behaviour. Particular attention is paid toward the study of gas-dynamic noise produced by the intake and exhaust systems and the implementation of innovative methods based on auto-regressive
Read MoreIn this laboratory study and optimization activities on reciprocating internal combustion engines, in steady and transient operation, are possible thanks to the following facilities: AVL AC transient dyno (12000 rpm, 525 Nm, 250 kW), with AVL Emcon 400 digital controller; AVL Puma Open/ ISAC 400 software for simulation of driving cycles, including driver behavior; 8
Read More– AC/DC bidirectional power converters for experimental tests on storage modules through charging/discharging cycles – Dynamic brake benches for experiments on electric drives supplied by hybrid energy storage systems on standard loading cycles Electric traction system for urban bus supplied by a ZEBRA battery pack in hybrid configuration with EDLCs (Electric Double Layer Capacitors) under
Read More– Exhaust analysis (Time of Flight mass spectrometry). – Photoionization spectroscopy of clusters produced in supersonic expansion (tunable single photon ionization and Na-doping/UV photoionization. Molecular beam/Time of flight Mass Spectrometer experimental apparatus
Read MoreExperimental tests of noise and vibration produced by complex systems such as vehicles, subsystems, etc. by means of vibrational acquisitions, intensity analysis , modal analysis, analysis of sound absorption of materials, analysis of transmission loss and beamforming appropriately integrated also for the validation of numerical models developed to optimize noise and vibration. Modal testing of
Read MoreExperimental set-upfor fuel cell system/battery characterization up to 30 kW. Electrochemical workstation for electrode processes investigation. Device for adsorption studies on solid materials related to H2 storage and CO2 capture (0.5-5 L/min). Experimental set-up for fuel cell system characterization up to 30 kW and fuel cell system of 6 kW for hybrid powertrain fuel cell/batteries.
Read MoreDHARMA laboratory for the characterization of gaseous fuels Study of the combustion kinetics of gaseous mixtures (burning velocity, instability phenomena), in real-life conditions, by means of optical and conventional diagnostics, with high time and space resolution. High pressure DHARMA test cell Methane-air flame (P0=6 bar, Φ =1.0) – high-speed shadowgraph (7000 fps)
Read MoreAerosols, namely particles with sizes from few nanometres to several microns suspended in a gas, are ubiquitous and constituents of atmosphere. Since 2005, in the Laser and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory of Istituto Motori, investigations on the new particles formation are carried out by monitoring the nucleation of vapours in laboratory experiments and by studying structures
Read MoreThe role of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is today well recognised as a valuable tool for the analysis of the thermo-fluidynamic phenomena underlying the energy conversion process in various kind of systems. Numerical simulation allows performing virtual tests about different geometrical configurations or governing parameters within relatively short times and at negligible costs in comparison
Read MoreSince 2003 the team of the Aerosol and Nanostructures lab, which was started in 1999, makes routinely the synthesis of one dimensional (1D) nanomaterials and nanoparticles both organic (carbon nanotubes) and inorganic (Zinc and Bismuth nanotubes). The lab group uses original set-ups designed and realized in home that perform the Chemical Vapour Deposition route for
Read MoreThe reliability, that is the ability of a product to operate correctly for a given time and under specified operating conditions, is one of the main performance indexes of the means of transportation and of their subsystems, such as the engine. The importance of such index has greatly increased over the last few years, because of
Read MoreLaser Doppler and Phase Doppler Velocimetry have been extensively used at Istituto Motori within optical accessible engines to obtain detailed measurements of one or two components of the velocity field and size of fuel droplets, joined to a planar technique, the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), to provide a clearer illustrations of the flow field structure
Read MoreThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Union (EU) have emphasized the need for regulating the dimensional characterization of the particle exhaust emissions from i.c. engines : the next Euro VI limit, to be adopted by 2015, will concern the exhaust particle size from diesel engines. Measurements performed in Instituto Motori using optical systems
Read MoreOver the last decade, customer demands regarding acoustic performance, along with the tightening of the legal regulations on noise emission levels and human exposure to noise, have made the acoustic behaviour into an important criterion in many design problems. In the automotive industry, for instance, the passenger’s acoustic comfort has become an important commercial asset.
Read MoreUsing specific optical diagnostics investigations are carried out inside the combustion chamber as well as in simulators (combustion bombs, shock tube, experiments on single droplet and sprays in evaporating/combustion conditions) with the aid of optical techniques and numerical simulation. The research activity is intended to examine in depth the processes of evaporation and combustion of
Read MoreSynthesis, Recycling and Combustion of Metallic Nanoclusters Systematic studies on the feasibility to burn metallic nanoparticles in an engine cycle have been undertaken. The idea lies on two main characteristics: some metal fuels contain two and three times more energy content per unit volume than the conventional liquid fuels while under certain conditions the metal
Read MoreThe Institute is also active for the study of the fuel-cell applications within the frame of stationary production related to electric power generation and thermal energy. The research activities of the Istituto Motori in this sector have been recently focused on systems based on micro-turbines, with the aim to study the use of gaseous and
Read MoreHigh Efficiency Energy Systems for Transport Applications Road transport and power plants for energy production are almost entirely dependent on fossil sources and are considered responsible of a significant and growing share of CO2 anthropogenic emissions. The objectives of decarbonisation, energy security and urban air quality can be achieved by the development of novel energy
Read MoreRoad transport contributes significantly to urban air pollution in many countries. Mobile sources produce several important air pollutants, such as air toxics and greenhouse gases. The most widely used models for the atmospheric emission inventories and scenarios are based on the emission factor approach: for road traffic an emission factor (EF) represents the relationship between
Read MoreDuring the last decade, alternative fuels have had a larger diffusion, especially in niche applications. Recent European energy policy has promoted the diffusion of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) from fossil fuels. In this context also biofuels production has increased. The problems of land use competition with primary human needs, connected to
Read MoreEngine Technology: Advanced Components The electronic control has become a fundamental and essential element for the management of different systems installed on board of vehicles, ranging from those controlling the combustion process, those regulating the energy flows in hybrid propulsion to those assisting and improving vehicle dynamic behaviour.The research activities carried out in this sector
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