Research Director
Employment cesead on 01/11/2016
- Energy efficiency of road transport and joint optimization of driving performances, fuel consumption, safety and comfort
- On-line optical monitoring of exhaust emissions from heavy-duty naval diesel engines
- Cause-effect relationship between exhaust emissions from i.c. engines and their impact on the environment at local (health) and global (climate) scales
- Remote optical detection of multi-species pollutants (gases + particulate matter) emitted at the exhaust (primary) and formed in the atmosphere (secondary)
- Development of Open-Path Spectrophotometers for the Analysis and Remote Monitoring of Urban Air Pollution
- Development and application of a pulsed light sources, tunable in the Vacuum-UV band, using laser plasmas on debris-free gaseous Xe targets
- Quantitative 2-D Imaging of early growth of flame in quiescent and turbulent reactive mixtures
- Development and applications of Laser-based Optical diagnostics of combustion processes and by-products
- Development of an eye-safe urban LIDAR operating on four wavelengths aa a remote sensor of i.c.e. emissions and atmospheric pollutants
- Study of early combustion ignited by ultra-fast sparks
- Development of multi-kW CW CO2 lasers for metal working
- Pioneering studies of formation and growth of carbon nanoparticles in laminar flames by means of Laser Light Scattering and Absorption/Extinction/Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Main Scientific Publications
- A. Borghese, S.S. Merola, “Detection of Extremely Fine Carbonaceous Particles in the Exhausts of Diesel and Spark-Ignited I.C. Engines, by Means of Broad-band Extinction and Scattering Spectroscopy in the UV band 190 nm – 400 nm”, Proc. Symposium (International) on Combustion, 1998, 27, pp. 2101-2109.
- A. Borghese, S.S. Merola, “Time-Resolved Spectral and Spatial Description of Laser-Induced Breakdown in Air as a Pulsed, Bright, and Broadband Ultraviolet–Visible Light Source”, Applied Optics, Vol. 37, Issue 18, 1998, pp. 3977-3983.
- L.A. Sgro, G. Basile, A.C. Barone, A. D’Anna, P. Munitolo, A. Borghese, A. D’Alessio, “Detection of combustion formed nanoparticles”, Chemosphere, Vol. 51, Issue 10, June 2003, pp. 1079-1090
- L.A. Sgro, A. Borghese, L. Speranza, A.C. Barone, P. Minutolo, A. D’Anna and A.D’Alessio, “Measurements of Nanoparticles of Organic Carbon and Soot in Flames and Vehicle Exhaust”, Environment Science & Technology, 42 (3), 2008, pp. 859–863
- A. Borghese, L. Speranza, “Optical soundings of cars’ exhaust and urban atmosphere with laser-plasma light and open-path spectrophotometry”, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 182 , 2009, 012037
- A Borghese, TM Di Palma, “Laser-plasma-based vacuum-ultraviolet light source for tunable single-photon ionization”, Applied Optics 46 (22), 2007, pp. 4948-4953
- TM Di Palma, MV Prati, A Borghese, “Tunable single-photon ionization TOF mass spectrometry using laser-produced plasma as the table- top VUV light source”, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry , 20 (12), 2009, pp. 2192-2198
- A Borghese, A D’Alessio, M Diana, C Venitozzi, “Development of hot nitrogen kernel, produced by a very fast spark discharge”, Proc. Symposium (International) on Combustion 22 (1), 1989 , pp. 1651-1659
- A D’Alessio, A Di Lorenzo, A Borghese, F Beretta, S Masi, “Study of the soot nucleation zone of rich methane-oxygen flames”, Proc. Symposium (International) on Combustion , 16 (1), 1977, pp. 695-708
- A. Borghese, R. Canevari, V. Donati, and L. Garifo, “Unstable–stable resonators with toroidal mirrors”, Applied Optics, Vol. 20, Issue 20, , 1981, pp. 3547-3552