Seminars held in the Istituto Motori
Date | Lecturer | Affiliation | Title & Abstract |
20/2/2020 | Prof. Jens Starke | Institute of Mathematics, University of Rostock, Germany | Analysis of Coarse Behaviour and its Parameter Dependency in Multi-Scale Systems and Controlled Lab Experiments |
10/06/2016 | Prof. Gaetano De Paola | Institut Français du Pétrole, Énergies nouvelles (IFPEN), France | Diesel engines ways of improvement |
19/02/2016 | Prof. Seong Y. Lee | Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Technological University, Houghton (MI), USA | Research Activities on Experimental and Numerical High-Pressure Spray Combustion and Flame Kernel Development in Michigan Tech’s Combustion Vessel |
16/02/2016 | Ing. Giacinto Cornacchia e Dott. Cesare Freda | Centro Ricerche ENEA della Trisaia, Rotondella, Matera, Italy | Processi termochimici per la valorizzazione di biomasse e rifiuti |
19/05/2015 | Prof. Cosmin Dumitrescu | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown (WV), USA | (1) An Overview of the Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions (CAFEE) Research at West Virginia University; (2) Investigation of Oxygenated Fuel for Soot-Free Combustion in an Optical Direct-Injection Diesel Engine |
18/03/2015 | Prof. Angelo Onorati | Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, Italy | Modellazione CFD dei motori a c.i. mediante il codice OpenFOAM |
24/02/2015 | Prof. Nafiz Kahraman e Prof. Selahaddin Orhan Akansu | Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkiye | Some Case Studies about ICE from Erciyes University |
28/01/2015 | (a) Ing. Eric Bradley e (b) Ing. Luca Gallo | (a) National Instruments Corporate; (b) National Instruments Italy | Engine Control & Data Acquisition Solutions |
27/01/2015 | (a) Prof. Antonio Cavaliere e (b) Dott.ssa Mara de Joannon | (a) Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy; (b) Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, CNR, Napoli, Italy | Technical, ethical and aestethical aspects of MILD Combustion |
25/11/2014 | Prof. Andrea D’Anna | Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy | Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles |
20/10/2014 | Prof. Gaetano Continillo | Università degli Studi del Sannio, Benevento, Italy | Droplet and spray combustion modelling |
23/09/2014 | Prof. Gian Marco Bianchi | Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Italy | La simulazione tridimensionale termo-fluidodinamica applicata allo sviluppo dei motori di nuova generazione: metodologie e prospettive di sviluppo |
21/07/2014 | Prof. Jérôme Bellettre | Université de Nantes, France | Atomization of Water in Oil Emulsions: Una Storia |
18/07/2014 | Prof. Fabio Bozza | Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy | Modellistica 1D nei motori a combustione interna: limiti, potenzialità e applicazioni |
02/07/2014 | Prof. Roberto Verzicco | Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy | Dinamica e Modellistica della Turbolenza |
17/06/2014 | Prof. Kunio Yoshikawa | Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan | Distributed Power Generation from Waste Material Employing Internal Combustion Engines |
19/11/2013 | Luchsinger s.r.l. e TSI Inc. | Nuove prospettive per le misure di Nanoparticelle | |
17/10/2012 | Dott. Ernesto Mura | Departement of Energy Systems and Evironment (DSEE), Ecole des mines de Nantes, France | Emulsificazione di bio-oli e pirolisi di biomassa per la produzione stazionaria di energia e calore |
20/07/2012 | Prof. Ji Hwan Cha | Department of Statistics, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea | Stochastic Analysis of Preventive Maintenance in Heterogeneous Populations |
12/06/2012 | (a) Dr. L. Allocca; (a) Dr. S. Alfuso; (a) Dr. L. Marchitto; (b) Dr. D. Hampai; (b,c) Dr. S. B. Dabagov | (a) Istituto Motori, CNR, Naples, Italy; (b) INFN Laboratori Nazionali Frascati, Italy; (c) RAS P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute & NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia |
X-Ray Desk-top Sources and Polycapillary Optic Set-up for Investigating High-Pressure Fuel Sprays |