Project Prometeo

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Project Prometeo

PROMETEO – Production of electricity, heat and cooling with a micro-cogenerator powered by residual biomass. ♦ Contract for research activity financed by Costruzioni Motori Diesel S.p.A. within the project PROMETEO, D.M. Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico 1.6.2016 Grandi Progetti R&S – PON IC 2014/2020. ♦ Project details: In recent years, energy issues have in fact assumed increasing importance in the political, economic, social and environmental spheres, a situation that has led to greater attention to the rational use of energy as well as to the use of more efficient and alternative conversion technologies globally. This context fits perfectly with the objectives of the PROMETEO project, whose primary purpose is the adoption of a practical reduction in the consumption of primary energy through the use of residual biomass for energy purposes, with a consequent reduction of climate-altering emissions. The micro-polygeneration technical solution proposed in PROMETEO can in fact be a valid alternative to traditional and polluting technologies for the production of electricity and heat at municipal and local level. Read more

